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Our Personal Injury, Business & Criminal Defense Library

  • Why People of All Ages Need an Estate Plan
    Some may have a common misconception that estate planning is all about dying and leaving your wealth to heirs. The truth is that some form of estate planning is necessary at every stage of your life, regardless of the value of your assets. At MacDowell Law Group, we guide clients of all ages through their options for executing important documents. The earlier you start, the easier it will be to build upon the plan as...
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  • Dividing Retirement and Investment Accounts in Divorce
    Divorce is seldom an easy process. For those with significant assets in the form of retirement and investment accounts, the process of dividing these resources becomes very complex and often contentious. Putting a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) or division of property order (DOPO) in place may be an option for protecting your financial interests during marital property and asset division. At MacDowell Law Group, P.C., our family law attorneys help with the division of retirement and...
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  • Virginia Accident Back and Spinal Cord Injuries, Treatments, and Recoveries
    It took less than a minute for your life to change. Someone else’s negligence caused an accident that left you in considerable pain and with a long term or permanent back injury. Types of Back and Spinal Cord Injuries An accident may cause an injury to your neck (cervical vertebrae), upper back (thoracic vertebrae), or lower back (lumbar vertebrae). Some of the specific conditions you may suffer include: Lower Back Strains or Sprains Lower back...
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  • Providing Peace of Mind as We Handle Your Business Litigation Needs
    You’ve worked too hard building your business to risk everything in litigation. Our experienced legal team can help you resolve legal disputes efficiently and cost-effectively. We Are Experienced in All Types of Business Litigation Whether you are the plaintiff or defendant, our attorneys can help you with a wide variety of litigation matters, including: Breach of contract Unfair trade practices Collection of debts and actions Construction litigation Mechanics’ liens Covenants not to compete Employment law...
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  • 4 Important Factors to Consider When Divorcing an Alcoholic in Virginia
    Contemplating a divorce is never an easy task, but when the spouse is an alcoholic, circumstances become even more complicated. Due to Virginia’s no-fault divorce laws, there’s no requirement to prove the other person’s alcoholism in order to file. But if alcohol misuse negatively impacted your marriage, and you have evidence for it, this information may influence a judge’s decision regarding aspects such as finances, child custody, and no-contact orders. Here are four key factors...
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  • Tips and Tricks for Determining an At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Policy Limits
    Getting into a car accident is always a scary experience, but it can also quickly become frustrating when you aren’t sure if your car repair and medical bills will be covered. This is a real struggle in Virginia, where at-fault drivers are not necessarily required to disclose how much insurance coverage they have. Keep the following tips in mind to avoid as many complications as possible. Know Required Amounts In Virginia, a car is considered...
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  • 7 Ways to Protect Your Right to Compensation After a Car Accident
    Whether it’s our daily office commute or cruising around a new town on vacation, we spend a lot of time in our cars. While we should always take basic safety precautions like wearing a seatbelt and driving defensively, accidents do happen—and often. According to the Department of Motor Vehicles, Virginia has an average of over 100,000 crashes per year. Do you know what to do if you are involved in such an accident? Follow these...
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  • Our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Fight to Get Injured Bikers All the Compensation They Deserve
    Motorcycle accident claims differ from car accident claims in a number of ways. Lawyers who represent injured bikers must be prepared to push back against the unfair bias insurance adjusters, and even judges and juries often have against motorcycle riders. Also, the injuries bikers suffer tend to be much more severe than car accident injuries. For these reasons, it’s important that you work with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney to be sure you are getting...
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  • Understanding the Statute of Limitations for a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Virginia
    The death of a family member can be devastating, especially when it is due to an accident or other unexpected incident. While nothing can bring back your loved one, there are steps you can take to ensure those who are left behind are taken care of. With the assistance of a qualified Virginia attorney, you can potentially bring suit against the individual or business responsible for the death. However, there are time limitations on taking...
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  • Considering Uncontested Divorce?
    A divorce does not have to be unnecessarily drawn out and expensive. Virginia’s uncontested divorce procedures can help avoid the delays and expenses that can be generated when disputes are resolved in the courtroom. At MacDowell Law Group, P.C., our divorce attorneys will thoroughly review your situation to let you know whether this may be the right option for your divorce. If you are thinking of getting divorced but are concerned about the time and the...
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