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Our Personal Injury, Business & Criminal Defense Library

  • Understanding Traffic Crimes in Virginia: Serious Consequences for Careless Actions Require the Help of a Defense Attorney
    We have all made mistakes while driving. Whether it’s been failing to stop at a 4-way stop or something more serious like driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, we have all had moments of poor judgment. Unfortunately, in Virginia, many traffic crimes come with hefty consequences. If you are a licensed driver, it is important to know the penalty for such actions, and how a defense attorney can help you navigate through any...
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  • Receive the Retirement Assets You Deserve in Your Divorce
    Dividing retirement assets in a divorce can be a complex and sometimes emotional process. This is especially true when dividing military pensions and other pension accounts. There are very specific requirements about when a former spouse can access pension funds and the percentage that he or she is entitled to receive. It is important that you hire a pension division lawyer who understands these processes and who can protect your interests. At MacDowell Law Group, P.C.,...
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  • Striving to Minimize Your Tax Obligations After Your Divorce
    For all but the most affluent Virginia families, divorce means financial strain. After all, you are dividing a single household into two households, each with separate expenses but without any corresponding increase in income. However, a solid understanding of the tax consequences of your divorce settlement can relieve some of this financial strain and even improve your bargaining position. At MacDowell Law Group, P.C., our divorce attorneys can ensure that all tax aspects are identified and...
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  • Our Truck Accident Team Will Take on the Trucking Company—and Win!
    The commercial trucking and local delivery industries are alive and well across the United States, including in Northern Virginia. Tractor-trailers and box trucks crowd our interstates and urban roads, creating hazards for drivers of much smaller cars, pick-up trucks, and motorcycles. If you or a loved one was an unfortunate victim of a careless truck driver, you could be entitled to a large settlement from the driver’s insurance company, as well as from the driver’s...
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  • Start Your Business With the Right Business Formation Decision
    You have a choice to make. You are ready to go into business, but what kind of business are you going to form? Your decision will have a significant impact on your business and should be made with the benefit of experienced legal counsel. Starting a business involves some personal and financial risk. An attorney can help you weigh the pros and cons of your business formation options and execute all of the necessary documentation...
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  • Divorce and the Stay-at-home Parent: Planning and Preparing for Significant Change
    Divorce isn't easy on anyone. This heartbreaking decision affects not only you and your spouse but your children too. If you have been a stay-at-home parent to your children, it can be challenging to know what is on the horizon financially but, fortunately, there are steps you can take to be best prepared for the future ahead. Common Concerns for Divorcing Parents When a divorce involves children, parents naturally worry most about how the kids...
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  • Protecting Your Business Interests During Divorce
    Whenever divorcing spouses operate a family business that accounts for a significant portion of their income, the valuation and division of business assets will present important issues throughout the case. Any mistakes in the valuation and characterization of these assets could cost you part of your fair share of the marital estate. In Fairfax, the MacDowell Law Group, P.C., has the legal skill set necessary to protect your property division rights. We will work hard to...
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  • We Provide Reliable Legal Advice for All Types of Business Contracts
    Contract negotiations can be long, complicated, and—we will admit—pretty dull. However, contracts are also legally binding and essential to your business. Accordingly, business owners must understand how to draft beneficial contracts and how an experienced business lawyer can help. Types of Business Contracts Different businesses need different kinds of contracts to operate successfully. These contracts might include the following: Sales contracts Employment contracts Insurance contracts Confidentiality agreements Leases Vendor contracts Drafting and Reviewing Business Contracts...
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  • Your Guide to Resolving Business Disputes
    Whether you own a small business or a large company, you have relationships and contracts with many different parties that are critical to the success of your business. Disputes will arise. Disagreements are part of doing business, but so too is the process of resolving disagreements. How you resolve a business dispute can have a significant impact on your bottom line and continued profitability. Types of Business Disputes Business disputes often arise from disagreements over...
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  • Helping Injured Motorcycle Riders Get the Compensation They Deserve
    There are many reasons people—men and women alike—choose to ride motorcycles. Some riders love the open-air feel a motorcycle gives them, while others appreciate the economy of excellent gas mileage and easy parking. Whatever your reasons are for riding, you deserve the same respect on the road as people in cars and trucks. However, riders often don’t get that respect and, because of that, they are always at risk of a devastating crash and catastrophic...
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