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  • Under-21 DUI Charges in Virginia

    May 20, 2020

    Underage drinking happens every day. Technically, you should never have an under-21 DUI case because no one who is under 21 is old enough to drink. But the prevalence of underage drinking makes this an unavoidable reality. In fact, DUI arrests could be more likely for those who are under 21 since they will be trying to hide the activity. For instance, if a 16-year-old drinks at a party on the weekend and then needs...
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  • Your Property Settlement Agreement Is a Key Document During Divorce

    May 13, 2020

    Your divorce isn’t contested, which is great. It means you can move through the process a little bit easier. However, something that you will want to get written up is your property settlement agreement. This contract outlines your responsibilities and rights so that the court can step in if one of you does not do as you agreed. When you hear the term “property settlement agreement,” you might be thinking about assets and debts. Interestingly,...
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  • New Study Looks Positive for Patients With Spinal Cord Injury

    May 5, 2020

    When you have a spinal cord injury, any chance of recovery seems slim to none. There are no significant treatments that can help you get your movement back once paralyzed, though there are therapies. One good piece of information you may want to know about is a new report of scientists regenerating neurons in mice who have spinal cord injuries. While this is still far from being a cure for humans, it’s a step in...
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  • Penalties for DUI in Virginia are serious

    May 1, 2020

    As is the case in many other states, Virginia has tough laws designed to prevent drunk driving. While most people would never intentionally drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the problem with Virginia’s DUI laws is that they often net people who may have just been a little careless and had one too many drinks. After all, it’s hard to really know whether someone is over the limit of .08 BAC, and...
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  • Gray Divorce and Second Marriages

    Apr 28, 2020

    Have you heard that gray divorce rates have been rising? It’s true. When you go back to the 1990s, you can see a clear rise in the divorce rate for the over-50 age group. If you ask people why this happens, they give you a variety of potential reasons. One common theory is that the empty nest — when the kids are all out of the house — makes people less content, and they want...
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  • 2 Special Considerations for Some High-Asset Divorces

    Apr 20, 2020

    People who are going through a divorce are usually focused on the primary assets, such as the marital home. They might not think about some of the other assets that must be divided. These include things like the household appliances, special collections and similar assets. People who have retirement accounts or a family business will have to determine how to handle those, which can be complex undertakings. Deciding what you’re going to do with a...
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  • When Amusement Park Visits Go Bad

    Mar 10, 2020

    Amusement parks (or “theme” parks) are a favorite way for American families to spend some time together. Most of the time, everything goes fine — but there are exceptions. Take, for example, the fact that Busch Gardens Williamsburg has just been sued for $2.25 million by two different injury victims in unrelated claims. One woman was hurt while on a popular bobsled ride. The other was injured while attending a Halloween-themed event at the park...
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  • Are there benefits to choosing an uncontested divorce?

    Feb 28, 2020

    You and your spouse know everything you want to do with your divorce. You both believe that you can work out any minor disagreements yourselves, and neither one of you wants to drag things out longer than is necessary. An uncontested divorce is simply a divorce that neither party is contesting, and it’s what you may be interested in filing if you and your spouse agree on how you want to separate. To go through...
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  • How do the police decide if a driver might be impaired?

    Feb 20, 2020

    Virginia has a drunk driving problem. While the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles indicates that accident-related fatalities declined in 2018 as a whole, fatal accidents involving alcohol actually increased. Given all of the emphasis on the dangers of drunk driving that is constantly broadcast to drivers, the fact that there was a 12% increase in alcohol-related fatalities on the road between 2017 and 2018 alone, you can bet that Virginian authorities will be on the...
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  • You Can Make Co-Parenting Work

    Feb 7, 2020

    You and your ex-spouse both love your kids. Even if you and they no longer love each other, you have the kids in common — and that’s worth making co-parenting work. Here are some co-parenting tips for beginners: 1. Find a safe place to vent. There are going to be times when your ex-spouse still aggravates you, no matter how polite you’re both trying to be. You may also still have some old emotional wounds...
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