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Blog: Divorce

  • 4 Ways to Prepare for a Child Custody Hearing

    Sep 10, 2021

    A child custody hearing can be a very emotional process. Parents love their children and want what’s best for them, and often that comes with opinions as to how the custody process should go. Four Ways To Prepare Before You Head Into A Child Custody Hearing 1. Arrive With Forms Prepared and Completed With any legal process, child custody hearings notwithstanding, you will often be asked to submit particular forms. Make sure that you have...
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  • 3 Ways to Protect Your Virginia Estate When You’re Getting Divorced

    Sep 10, 2021

    Divorce is a devastating process. On top of the emotional toll, there are many financial and practical considerations to think about—especially if children are involved. While going through this difficult time, it’s important to ensure all aspects of your life are taken care of—including estate planning. If you drafted a will with your spouse, it’s likely you made decisions together that no longer make sense. This is why it’s important to make necessary changes as...
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  • What happens if you move out of state after your divorce?

    Aug 7, 2020

    The desire to start a new life isn’t one that’s unheard of when you go through a divorce. For some divorcees, this is as simple as moving to a new state. But there are some challenges when you share children with your ex. Fortunately, there are laws in place that help ensure that both parents can remain active parts of the child’s life despite the distance between them. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement...
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  • Divorcing a Narcissist Isn't Easy

    Jul 24, 2020

    Being married to a narcissist is a challenge because they don’t have the ability to think about anyone other themselves. They’ll use various tactics to get their way, and they don’t mind having to turn to manipulation or even abuse to make that happen. Once a person has had enough of this behavior, they might decide that it is time to divorce the narcissist. While that might seem like an easy solution, you’ll soon find...
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  • Military Divorce Is Different

    Jul 8, 2020

    Military spouses may face more obstacles when they end their marriage. More laws must be navigated because a military divorce is governed by federal and Virginia laws. Understanding the differences from a civilian divorce can help assure that you do not surrender important rights. Where to File Residency for filing for filing for divorce and related matters is defined as residency plus intent to remain. Connections with a state determine this residency. These include a...
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  • Why do you want to get divorced?

    Jun 19, 2020

    You know that you want to get divorced, but what is your reasoning? Maybe you don’t even have a concrete reason. Many couples seek a divorce because they simply “fell out of love.” This could mean that you just drifted apart over time. Neither you nor your partner did anything wrong, but you can still tell that this is not a marriage you want to stay in. Even if you can’t pinpoint the reason, there...
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  • As a Grandparent, You May Be Able to Seek Visitation

    Jun 4, 2020

    One thing that you always wanted was to become a grandparent. You had a wonderful time with your children, and when you found out that your older son was becoming a father, you were thrilled. Recently, he talked to you about seeking a divorce. He didn’t want to be with his child’s mother any longer, but you didn’t know how that was going to affect his custody case. After going through it all, he ended...
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  • Your Property Settlement Agreement Is a Key Document During Divorce

    May 13, 2020

    Your divorce isn’t contested, which is great. It means you can move through the process a little bit easier. However, something that you will want to get written up is your property settlement agreement. This contract outlines your responsibilities and rights so that the court can step in if one of you does not do as you agreed. When you hear the term “property settlement agreement,” you might be thinking about assets and debts. Interestingly,...
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  • Gray Divorce and Second Marriages

    Apr 28, 2020

    Have you heard that gray divorce rates have been rising? It’s true. When you go back to the 1990s, you can see a clear rise in the divorce rate for the over-50 age group. If you ask people why this happens, they give you a variety of potential reasons. One common theory is that the empty nest — when the kids are all out of the house — makes people less content, and they want...
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  • 2 Special Considerations for Some High-Asset Divorces

    Apr 20, 2020

    People who are going through a divorce are usually focused on the primary assets, such as the marital home. They might not think about some of the other assets that must be divided. These include things like the household appliances, special collections and similar assets. People who have retirement accounts or a family business will have to determine how to handle those, which can be complex undertakings. Deciding what you’re going to do with a...
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